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Questions about my services, answered


Questions about my services, answered


Your Questions, Answered

  • How do I place an order?

Simply click on the 'Contact' button above. No need for fancy forms.

  • Can I request a trial piece?

All styles (pixel, vector, painted) are displayed on the homepage, so a sample should rarely be needed. However if your project is particularly unique and requires something very different, it can be considered. This is not a guarantee however, and if one is done it would be outside of work hours.

  • How do I pay?

First, you will place an order with me and I will confirm exactly what you want via email or Skype chat, then the agreed payment can be made via PayPal to the same email address I contact with.

  • Can I get a price quote?

Yes, simply contact me requesting a quotation, and provide details of your project, no commitments!

  • What are your turnaround times?

Depending on the style or frame count, the expected turnaround time can vary anywhere from a month to a week to a day, typically 3-7 days for an individual asset.

  • Is there a minimum order size requirement?

No, orders of any size are valid. Minimum price will apply.

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